How to Retrieve Hidden Files from USB Pen Drive? “Hi everybody, I was using 16GB SanDisk pen drive for storing my college project details. I regularly carry this pen drive to my college for project purpose. From few days whenever I am connecting my Pen drive to college system, suddenly all my files/folders get disappear or shown with exe extensions. Nothing is visible even when I connect same Pen drive to system at home, but the memory bar indicates the utilized space on pen drive. I tried to unhide the files by using view option “Show hidden files” and then also it’s not showing the files, but files are there. Could anyone please help me to get out of this strange problem and to recover hidden data from Pen drive???” Pen drives are most widely used external hardware devices for easy storage and transfer of files or folders. Sometimes users may not be able to see files or folders stored on pen drives. This is because all the files or folders are in hidden mode , if the storage dev...