Steps :
1. Click "Start," then type "cmd" into the quick
search. Right-click the app link and click "Run
as administrator."
2. Type "netstat -an" and press "Enter." Wait a
few moments for the utility to run.
3. Look through the results in the command-line
tool "netstat" (network statistics). The first
column tells you the type of connection, the
second shows you the local address, the third
the foreign address, and the final column shows
the status of the connection.
4. Check the port numbers for an intrusion. The
port numbers follow the IP or server address in
the following format: ":XXXXX." Ports between 0
and 1023 are safe; ports between 1024 and
49151 are relatively safe; and you should be
suspicious of ports between 49152 and 65535.
Certain peer-to-peer software applications use
the final port range, so close any P2P software
and scan again.
5. Check suspicious IP addresses by looking in
the third column. The foreign address refers to
the location of the connection destination. Use a
search engine to search through these IPs to see
if they match up with programs, such as
Windows Live Messenger.
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